© 2025 La Comida MTL.
Nutrient values are estimates only. Variations may occur. We use ESHA software to develop nutrient value estimates. ESHA’s master food and nutrient database is composed of over 55,000 food items, with data from over 1,700 reputable sources. The data sources include the latest USDA Standard Reference database, manufacturer’s data, restaurant data, and data from literature sources. Each of ESHA's 163 nutritional components is individually sourced. ESHA’s flagship software has been used by 80% of the top food producers and developers in the United States for accurate nutrient evaluation, nutrition labeling, and government regulation compliance. The constantly growing and meticulously maintained food and ingredient database ensures users will have the most accurate nutrient analysis and the most up-to-date nutrition information available. While we do our best to ensure accuracy, we make no representation or warranty regarding the information contained in ESHA's database, and there can be no assurance that any of the information contained therein has not been, or will not be changed or altered