Sauce Piquante – Hot Sauce
Piment Thai + Piment Banane
Thai Chili + Banana Pepper
(Faux Franks)
Bien que la sauce Frank Red Hot n’est pas nécessairement un premier choix pour les amateurs de sauce piquante, car il n’est pas trop chaud (ou pour certains, pas chaud du tout). Cependant, c’est l’une des sauces les plus populaires en Amérique du Nord. L’amour de Frank’s est probablement parce qu’il est facilement apprécié par les individus qui ne peuvent pas supporter trop de chaleur, et avec l’ajout d’ail à la recette, il se marie bien avec de nombreux aliments (beaucoup plus qu’une sauce au piment et au vinaigre strictement). Nous, cependant, voulions créer une sauce piquante qui est tout aussi agréable, mais avec plus de chaleur pour les vrais amateurs de sauce piquante.
Notre sauce Piment Thai & Piment Banane est une variante de la traditionnelle sauce Frank’s Red Hot. Le changement de poivrons donne à cette sauce une saveur acidulé par opposition à la saveur ordinaire à base de vinaigre, et beaucoup plus de chaleur.
Though Frank’s Red Hot sauce is not necessarily a hot sauce lovers first choice, because it is not overly hot (or to some, not hot at all). However, it is one of North America’s most popular go-to sauces on the market. The love of Frank’s is probably because it is easily enjoyed by individuals who cannot handle too much heat, and with the addition of garlic to the recipe, it pairs well with many foods (many more than a strictly pepper and vinegar sauce would). We, however, wanted to create a hot sauce that is just as loveable, but with more heat for the real hot sauce lovers.
Our Thai Chili & Banana Pepper sauce is a variation of the traditional Frank’s Red Hot sauce recipe. The change in peppers gives this sauce a tang as opposed to the regular vinegar based flavour, and a lot more heat.
Notre sauce piquante Piment Thai + Piment Banane a été inspirée par la célèbre tueuse en série Leonarda Cianciulli
Leonarda Cianciulli, la progéniture d’un viol, a été soumise à un mariage malheureux dès son enfance. Sa mère était émotionnellement violente, et ils ont vécu dans la pauvreté pendant toute son enfance. Leonarda a tenté de se suicider deux fois étant jeune fille.
En 1917, elle épousa Raffaele Pansardi, commis de bureau d’état-major. Ses parents, cependant, n’approuvèrent pas, car ils avaient des plans pour l’épouser à un autre homme. Leonarda prétend que sa mère ontc mi une malédiction sur eux à partir de ce jour.
Our Thai Chili + Banana Pepper hot sauce was inspired by notorious serial killer Leonarda Cianciulli
Leonarda Cianciulli, the offspring of rape, was subject to her parent’s’ unhappy marriage. Her mother was emotionally abusive, and they lived in poverty for her entire childhood. Leonarda attempted suicide twice as a young girl.
In 1917 she married Raffaele Pansardi, a registry office clerk. Her parents, however, did not approve, as they had plans to marry her to another man. Leonarda claims her mother cursed them from that day forward.
Ensemble, ils s’installèrent à Correggio, et Leonarda ouvrit une petite savonnerie. Elle disait aussi la bonnes aventures à ses clients et les« hypnotisais », affirmant avoir des pouvoirs spéciaux pour les aider à réaliser leurs rêves. Elle est devenue une personne respecté et populaire de sa communauté.
Leonarda a eu 17 grossesses au cours de son mariage avec Rafaelle, mais en a perdu trois à cause de fausses couches. Dix autres sont morts en bas âge. Par conséquent, elle était très protectrice envers ses quatre autres enfants. Une diseuse de bonne aventure l’a avertie qu’elle se marierait et aurait des enfants, mais qu’ils mourraient tous. Un chiromancien a prédit,en lisant ses lignes de sa main, “Dans votre main droite je vois la prison, dans votre gauche un asile criminel.”
En 1939, Leonarda apprend que son fils aîné va rejoindre l’armée en vue de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Déterminée à le protéger à tout prix, elle a décidé qu’elle avait besoin de faire de sacrifices humains pour sauver sa vie.
Together, they moved to Correggio, and Leonarda opened a small soap shop. She also told fortunes and “hypnotized” clients, claiming to have special powers to help make their dreams come true. She became well-respected and popular, and a pillar of her community.
Leonarda had 17 pregnancies during her marriage to Rafaelle, but lost three of them to miscarriage. Ten more died as children. Consequently, she was very protective of her four remaining children. A visit to a fortune teller warned her that she would marry and have children, but they would all die. Another palm reader predicted, “In your right hand I see prison;, in your left, a criminal asylum.”
In 1939 Leonarda learned that her eldest son was going to join the army in preparation for WW2. Determined to protect him at all costs, she decided she needed human sacrifices to save his life.
Sa première victime, Faustina Setti, était une vieille fille pauvre et célibataire. Désespérée pour avoir un mari, elle a rendu visite à Leonarda pour obtenir de l’aide. Leonarda lui a parlé d’un partenaire possible à Pola (maintenant en Croatie). En préparation du voyage, elle dit à Faustine de ne le dire à personne, et de préparer des lettres à envoyer à la maison une fois arrivé afin que personne ne s’inquiète. Faustina suivit les instructions et visita Leonarda une fois de plus avant de partir pour trouver l’amour. Faustina a été servi un verre de vin drogué, et tué avec une hache. Leonarda traîna le corps dans un placard, où elle coupa le corps en neuf morceaux et recueillit le sang dans un bassin.
Leonarda a expliqué ce qui s’est passé ensuite dans sa déclaration officielle.
J’ai jeté les morceaux dans un pot, ajouté sept kilos de soude caustique, que j’avais acheté pour faire du savon, et remué le mélange jusqu’à ce que les morceaux se dissolvent dans un épais, bouillie sombre que j’ai versé dans plusieurs seaux et vidé dans une fosse septique à proximité. Pour ce qui est du sang dans le bassin, j’ai attendu qu’il se soit coagulé, qu’il soit séché au four, qu’il soit moulu et mélangé avec de la farine, du sucre, du chocolat, du lait et des oeufs, ainsi qu’un peu de margarine, pétrissant tous les ingrédients ensemble. J’ai fait beaucoup de gâteaux croquants et je les ai servis aux dames qui sont venues me rendre visite, bien que Giuseppe et moi les ayons aussi mangés.
Her first victim, Faustina Setti, was a poor and lonely spinster. Desperate for a husband, she visited Leonarda for help. Leonarda told her of a suitable partner in Pola (now Croatia). In preparation for the journey, she told Faustina to tell no one, and to prepare letters to send home once arrived so no one would worry. Faustina followed the instructions and visited Leonarda once more before leaving on her journey to find love. Faustina was served a drugged glass of wine, and killed with an axe. Leonarda dragged the body in a closet, where she hacked the body into nine pieces and gathered the blood into a basin.
Leonarda explained what happened next in her official statement:
“I threw the pieces into a pot, added seven kilos of caustic soda, which I had bought to make soap, and stirred the mixture until the pieces dissolved in a thick, dark mush that I poured into several buckets and emptied in a nearby septic tank. As for the blood in the basin, I waited until it had coagulated, dried it in the oven, ground it and mixed it with flour, sugar, chocolate, milk and eggs, as well as a bit of margarine, kneading all the ingredients together. I made lots of crunchy tea cakes and served them to the ladies who came to visit, though Giuseppe and I also ate them.”
Sa deuxième victime était Francesca Soavi. Leonarda a parlé à Soavi d’un travail dans une école pour filles dans le nord de l’Italie. Comme Setti, Fracnesca s’est fait dire de ne le dire à personne et d’écrire des lettres à la maison détaillant les plans. Encore une fois, Leonarda a drogué sa victime et l’a tuée avec une hache, puis l’a cuite dans des gâteaux à thé.
Sa troisième victime était Virginia Cacioppo, une ancienne soprano. Leonarda lui a parlé d’un travail de secrétariat pour un célèbre impresario à Florence. Virginia excitée n’a pas pu se taire et a dit à ses amis et à sa famille. Leonarda a tué Virginia en la droguant et en la tuant avec une hache de la même façon qu’elle a tué les deux premières femmes. Leonarda, cependant, décrit que les restes de cette dernière victime ont également été transformés en savon, contrairement aux deux premières femmes.
Elle s’est retrouvée dans le pot, comme les deux autres… sa chair était grasse et blanche, quand elle a fondu, j’ai ajouté une bouteille d’eau de Cologne, et après une longue période à ébullition, j’ai pu faire du savon crémeux des plus acceptables. J’ai donné des bars à des voisins et à des connaissances. Les gâteaux, aussi, étaient meilleurs : cette femme était vraiment gentille.
La sœur de Cacioppo se méfiait de sa disparition et avait vu pour la dernière fois Virgina entrer dans la maison de Leonarda. Elle a rapporté ce qu’elle savait à la police et ils ont rapidement arrêté Leonarda. Elle n’a pas avoué les meurtres jusqu’à ce que la police, bien que son fils soit impliqué dans les crimes. Elle a ensuite avoué en détail pour s’assurer qu’il n’était pas pris dans le blâme.
Il était difficile de croire qu’elle était capable de démembrer les trois cadavres avec une telle hâte et sans aucune aide. Les juges, les avocats et la police ont emmené Leonarda à la morgue et lui ont demandé de démontrer comment cela se faisait : elle a démembré un cadavre en neuf morceaux en moins de 12 minutes.
Elle a été condamnée à trente ans de prison, et trois autres dans un asile, où elle est morte.
En prison, elle a écrit ses mémoires. Intitulée An Embittered Soul’s Confessions, où elle a expliqué les meurtres et même offre des conseils utiles pour la façon dont le lecteur pourrait transformer les gens en savon.
Her second victim was Francesca Soavi. Leonarda told Soavi about a job at a school for girls in Northern Italy. Like Setti, Francesca was told to tell no one and write letters home detailing the plans. Again, Leonarda drugged her victim and killed her with an axe, then baked her into tea cakes.
Her third victim was Virginia Cacioppo, a former operatic soprano. Leonarda told her of a secretarial job for a famous impresario in Florence. The excited Virginia, however, was unable to keep quiet and told friends and family. Leonarda killed Virginia again by drugging and killing her with an axe the same way she did the first two women. Leonarda, however, described this last victim’s remains as being made into soap, unlike the first two women. :
“She ended up in the pot, like the other two…her flesh was fat and white, when it had melted I added a bottle of cologne, and after a long time on the boil I was able to make some most acceptable creamy soap. I gave bars to neighbours and acquaintances. The cakes, too, were better: That woman was really sweet.”
Cacioppo’s sister was suspicious of her disappearance and had last seen Virgina enter Leonarda’s home. She reported what she knew to the police and they quickly arrested Leonarda.
She did not confess to the murders until the police though her son was involved in the crimes. She then confessed with detail to ensure he was not caught in the blame.
It was difficult to believe that she was able to dismember the three corpses with such haste and no assistance. Judges, attorneys and the police took Leonarda to the morgue and asked her to demonstrate how it was done.: She dismembered a corpse into nine pieces in less than twelve minutes.
She was sentenced to thirty years in prison, and another three in an asylum, where she died.
In prison, she wrote her memoirs. Titled “An Embittered Soul’s Confessions”, she explained the murders and even offered up helpful hints for how the reader could turn people into soap.
Though Frank’s Red Hot sauce is not necessarily a hot sauce lovers first choice, because it is not overly hot (or to some, not hot at all). However, it is one of North America’s most popular go-to sauces on the market. The love of Frank’s is probably because it is easily enjoyed by individuals who cannot handle too much heat, and with the addition of garlic to the recipe, it pairs well with many foods (many more than a strictly pepper and vinegar sauce would). We, however, wanted to create a hot sauce that is just as loveable, but with more heat for the real hot sauce lovers.
Our Thai Chili & Banana Pepper sauce is a variation of the traditional Frank’s Red Hot sauce recipe. The change in peppers gives this sauce a tang as opposed to the regular vinegar based flavour, and a lot more heat.
Our Thai Chili + Banana Pepper hot sauce was inspired by notorious serial killer Leonarda Cianciulli
Leonarda Cianciulli, the offspring of rape, was subject to her parent’s’ unhappy marriage. Her mother was emotionally abusive, and they lived in poverty for her entire childhood. Leonarda attempted suicide twice as a young girl.
In 1917 she married Raffaele Pansardi, a registry office clerk. Her parents, however, did not approve, as they had plans to marry her to another man. Leonarda claims her mother cursed them from that day forward.
Together, they moved to Correggio, and Leonarda opened a small soap shop. She also told fortunes and “hypnotized” clients, claiming to have special powers to help make their dreams come true. She became well-respected and popular, and a pillar of her community.
Leonarda had 17 pregnancies during her marriage to Rafaelle, but lost three of them to miscarriage. Ten more died as children. Consequently, she was very protective of her four remaining children. A visit to a fortune teller warned her that she would marry and have children, but they would all die. Another palm reader predicted, “In your right hand I see prison;, in your left, a criminal asylum.”
In 1939 Leonarda learned that her eldest son was going to join the army in preparation for WW2. Determined to protect him at all costs, she decided she needed human sacrifices to save his life.
Her first victim, Faustina Setti, was a poor and lonely spinster. Desperate for a husband, she visited Leonarda for help. Leonarda told her of a suitable partner in Pola (now Croatia). In preparation for the journey, she told Faustina to tell no one, and to prepare letters to send home once arrived so no one would worry. Faustina followed the instructions and visited Leonarda once more before leaving on her journey to find love. Faustina was served a drugged glass of wine, and killed with an axe. Leonarda dragged the body in a closet, where she hacked the body into nine pieces and gathered the blood into a basin.
Leonarda explained what happened next in her official statement:
“I threw the pieces into a pot, added seven kilos of caustic soda, which I had bought to make soap, and stirred the mixture until the pieces dissolved in a thick, dark mush that I poured into several buckets and emptied in a nearby septic tank. As for the blood in the basin, I waited until it had coagulated, dried it in the oven, ground it and mixed it with flour, sugar, chocolate, milk and eggs, as well as a bit of margarine, kneading all the ingredients together. I made lots of crunchy tea cakes and served them to the ladies who came to visit, though Giuseppe and I also ate them.”
Her second victim was Francesca Soavi. Leonarda told Soavi about a job at a school for girls in Northern Italy. Like Setti, Francesca was told to tell no one and write letters home detailing the plans. Again, Leonarda drugged her victim and killed her with an axe, then baked her into tea cakes.
Her third victim was Virginia Cacioppo, a former operatic soprano. Leonarda told her of a secretarial job for a famous impresario in Florence. The excited Virginia, however, was unable to keep quiet and told friends and family. Leonarda killed Virginia again by drugging and killing her with an axe the same way she did the first two women. Leonarda, however, described this last victim’s remains as being made into soap, unlike the first two women. :
“She ended up in the pot, like the other two…her flesh was fat and white, when it had melted I added a bottle of cologne, and after a long time on the boil I was able to make some most acceptable creamy soap. I gave bars to neighbours and acquaintances. The cakes, too, were better: That woman was really sweet.”
Cacioppo’s sister was suspicious of her disappearance and had last seen Virgina enter Leonarda’s home. She reported what she knew to the police and they quickly arrested Leonarda.
She did not confess to the murders until the police though her son was involved in the crimes. She then confessed with detail to ensure he was not caught in the blame.
It was difficult to believe that she was able to dismember the three corpses with such haste and no assistance. Judges, attorneys and the police took Leonarda to the morgue and asked her to demonstrate how it was done.: She dismembered a corpse into nine pieces in less than twelve minutes.
She was sentenced to thirty years in prison, and another three in an asylum, where she died.
In prison, she wrote her memoirs. Titled “An Embittered Soul’s Confessions”, she explained the murders and even offered up helpful hints for how the reader could turn people into soap.