Sauce Piquante – Hot Sauce

Jalapeño + Habanero + Tomatillo

Avec un amour des tacos, la chef Nathalie a testé autant de tacos que possible lors de son dernier voyage au Mexique. Elle a rapidement trouvé une taqueria locale à Playa del Carmen appelée El Fogon. Elle a commencé son repas en dégustant toutes leurs sauces piquantes, et est tombée amoureuse de leur sauce verte. Les serveurs la taquinait de ne pas trop mettre sur les tacos – c’était épicé! À leur surprise, en retournant à la table avec plus de tacos, ils ont remarqué que la coupe de sauce piquante était vide. Nous avons développé cette sauce pour reproduire aussi près que possible la sauce verte d’El Fogon.

Notre sauce piquante jalapeño est une sauce verte mexicaine classique, parfaite pour ajouter des tacos, du poisson, des œufs – tout ce que vous pouvez supporter la chaleur!

With a borderline healthy obsession with taco, chef Nathalie tested as many tacos as possible during her last trip in Mexico. She quickly found a local go-to taqueria in Playa del Carmen called El Fogon. She began her meal by tasting all their hot sauces, and fell in love with their green sauce. The waiters joked to not put too much on the tacos – it was spicy! To their surprise, upon returning to the table with more tacos, they noticed the hot sauce cup was empty. We developed this sauce to replicate as close as possible the green sauce from El Fogon.

Our jalapeño hot sauce is a classic Mexican green sauce, perfect to add on tacos, fish, eggs – anything if you can handle the heat!

Notre sauce piquante Jalapeño + Habanero + Tomatillo a été inspirée par la célèbre tueuse en série Tillie Klimek

Née Otylia (Tillie) Gburek en Pologne en 1876, ses parents immigrent aux États-Unis à l’âge de quatre ans et s’installent à « Little Poland », à Chicago, en Illinois. On sait très peu de choses de son enfance.
En 1895, à l’âge de 14 ans, elle épouse son premier mari, Joe Mitkiewicz. Ils forment un couple heureux et apprécié dans la communauté. Avec le temps,Tillie a gagné la réputation non seulement d’être une bonne cuisinière, mais aussi la capacité morbide de prédire les décès des gens et est devient une veuve en série.
Il est dit que Tillie prétendait d’avoir des rêves décrivant avec précision la mort de ses victimes, bien qu’elle était en train de planifier leur mort. Assez étrangement, il y a des récits d’elle disant joyeusement à ses maris et voisins qu’ils allaient mourir.

Our Jalapeño + Habanero + Tomatillo hot sauce was inspired by notorious serial killer Tillie Klimek

Born Otylia (Tillie) Gburek in Poland in 1876, her parents immigrated to the United States when she was four years old, and settled in “Little Poland”, Chicago, Illinois. Very little is known of her childhood.
In 1895, at the age of 14, she married her first husband, Joe Mitkiewicz. They were a happy and a well-liked couple in the community. Over time, Tillie earned the reputation of not only being a good cook, but also having the morbid ability to predict people’s deaths. She became a serial widower.
It is said that Tillie claimed to have dreams accurately describing the death of her victims, though she was actually scheduling their deaths. Eerily enough, there are accounts of her cheerfully telling her husbands and neighbours that they were going to die.

Sa folie meurtrière a commencé en 1914 quand elle a dit à un ami qu’elle rêvait de retrouver le corps de son premier mari, Joe’s, un certain jour quelques semaines à l’avance. Bien sûr, Joe est mort quelques semaines plus tard, comme prévu, après une courte maladie. La cause du décès de Joe a été signalée comme une insuffisance cardiaque. Non seulement l’amie de Tillie était bouche bée, mais elle a été particulièrement surprise de voir Tillie partir rapidement à la compagnie d’assurance pour le chèque d’assurance vie de Joe.

Moins de deux mois plus tard, elle s’est remariée. Cette fois, un voisin, Joseph Ruskowski, est décédé trois mois plus tard. Sans perdre de temps, elle se trouva un petit ami, Joseph Guszkowski. Tillie a accidentellement laissé échapper qu’elle avait empoisonné son second mari Ruskowski. Alors quand Guszkowski a emmené Tillie à Milwaukee, où la question du mariage a été soulevée, il a refusé de l’épouser. En colère, elle dit à Guszkowski qu’elle le dénoncerait pour avoir violé la loi Mann (loi fédérale interdisant le transport des femmes par-delà les frontières de l’État “à des fins de prostitution ou de débauche, ou pour tout autre but immoral.”). Guszkowski a rétorqué qu’elle était une meurtrière et il allait la signaler en premier. Guszkowski mort mystérieusement peu de temps après.

Her killing spree began in 1914 when she told a friend that she dreamed of finding the corpse of her first husband, Joe on a certain day a few weeks in advance of it occurring. Sure enough, Joe died a few weeks later —as predicted —after a short illness. Joe’s cause of death was reported to be heart failure. Not only was Tillie’s friend in awe, but she was especially surprised to see Tillie quickly depart to the insurance company for Joe’s life insurance check.

In a matter of weeks, she remarried. This time, a neighbour, Joseph Ruskowski, died three months later. Wasting no time, she found herself a boyfriend, Joseph Guszkowski. Tillie accidentally let it slip out that she had poisoned her second husband, Ruskowski. So, when Guszkowski took Tillie on a trip to Milwaukee, where the topic of marriage came up, he refused to marry her. Angered, she told Guszkowski that she would report him for violating the Mann Act (a federal law prohibiting the transportation of women across state lines “for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose.”). Guszkowski rebutted that she was a murderer and he would report her first. Guszkowski mysteriously died shortly after.

En 1919, Tillie se remarie. Son troisième mari, Frank Kupczy, emménage dans l’appartement qu’elle a partagé avec son défunt copain. Tillie a commencé à dire aux voisins que Frank “ne vivrait pas longtemps” et il avait “deux pouces à vivre”. Elle s’est même moquée de lui : « Ce ne sera plus long maintenant » et « Tu vas bientôt mourir ». Frank s’affaiblissait rapidement, et elle commença à planifier sa mort : Tillie demanda à Frank de souscrire une police d’assurance-vie. Il s’y conforma. Elle profita de l’occasion pour tricoter un chapeau noir de deuil, qu’elle porta plus tard au procès, et acheta un cercueil de 30 $ dans une publicité. Tillie demande même à sa propriétaire de conserver le cercueil dans le sous-sol de l’immeuble jusqu’à la mort de son mari. Frank meurt en 1921.

Indépendamment de sa réputation de prémonitions avec la mort ultérieure de tous ses maris, elle trouva un quatrième homme prêt à l’épouser. En 1921, Klimek épousa son quatrième mari, Joseph Klimek. Un ancien ami de feu son mari Frank, Joseph était économe, avait un emploi stable et voulait s’installer. Tillie était une bonne gouvernante et une cuisinière étonnamment bonne. Pour commémorer leur mariage, Tillie a détruit toutes les photos et lettres qu’elle avait d’ex-maris et d’ex-petits amis. Joseph, épris, pensait que c’était touchant et un signe de loyauté, au lieu d’un signe d’avertissement.

In 1919, Tillie married again. Her third husband, Frank Kupczy, moved into the apartment she had shared with her late boyfriend. Tillie began telling neighbours that Frank “would not live long” and he had “two inches to live”. She even taunted him, saying “It won’t be long now,” and “You’ll be dying soon”. Frank soon grew weaker, and she began to plan his death: Tillie asked Frank to take out a life insurance policy. He complied. She took this opportunity to knit a black mourning hat, which she later wore to trial, and purchased a $30 coffin from an advertisement. Tillie even asked her landlady to store the coffin in the basement of the building until her husband’s death. Frank died in 1921.

Regardless of her reputation of premonitions with subsequent deaths of all her husbands, she was still able to find a fourth man willing to marry her. In 1921, Tillie married her fourth husband, Joseph Klimek. A former friend of her late husband Frank. Joseph was thrifty, had a steady job, and wanted to settle down. Tillie was a good housekeeper and an astonishingly good cook. To commemorate their marriage, Tillie destroyed every photo and letter she had of ex-husbands and ex-boyfriends. Joseph, infatuated, thought this was touching and a sign of loyalty, instead of a warning sign.

Quand Joseph tomba malade l’année suivante, il appela son médecin. Joseph a été envoyé à l’hôpital, et des tests l’ont confirmé : il mourait d’un empoisonnement à l’arsenic. Tillie a été arrêté.

Tillie prétendait que Joseph était un alcoolique qui non seulement aimait trop et trop souvent l’alcool de contrebande, mais aussi abusait d’elle et la trompait. Tillie, cependant, ne tolérerait pas la concurrence. Klimek a dit à la police qu’elle avait confié à sa cousine Nellie qu’elle en avait assez de son mari Joseph. Nellie a suggéré le divorce, bien que Klimek ait dit “Je vais me débarrasser de lui d’une autre façon,”. Tillie a affirmé que Nellie avait donné son poison appelé “Rough on Rats”.

Les corps des maris décédés de Klimek furent bientôt exhumés et trouvés contenant des doses mortelles d’arsenic. L’enquête a révélé qu’elle avait empoisonné un total de 20 victimes, dont 14 sont mortes. Beaucoup de victimes étaient des individus (et un chien errant) qui s’étaient disputés avec elle ou l’avaient simplement ennuyée. Cependant, la mort de ses maris était purement financière, car elle avait souscrit des polices d’assurance-vie sur tous ses maris, dont elle avait grandement profité. Tillie a soutenu qu’elle n’a jamais prétendu avoir des « prophéties » auto-réalisatrices au sujet de ses meurtres, mais qu’elle avait plutôt un sens de l’humour morbide et une mauvaise habitude de faire des blagues, disant presque le « jeu ».

Kilmek a finalement été jugé pour le meurtre de son troisième mari, Frank Kupczy, en mars 1923. Elle a été reconnue coupable et condamnée à la prison à perpétuité, la peine la plus sévère jamais imposée à une femme à Chicago. Tillie est morte en prison en 1936.

Les victimes présumées de Tillie :
1) Jospeh Mitkiewicz, premier mari (arsenic trouvé dans le corps, avait une police d’assurance de 1000 $, décédé en 1914).
2) Joseph Ruskowski, deuxième mari. (arsenic trouvé; laissé environ 2000 en espèces / assurance, décédé en 1914).
3) Frank Kupszyk, troisième mari (arsenic trouvé – c’est le meurtre pour lequel elle a été condamnée). Décédé 1921, avait 1000 dans l’assurance.
4) Joseph Grantkowski, ex petit ami, est mort en 1914 après l’avoir “balancée”.
5) Mme Rose Chudzinski, cousine. Décédée en 1919 après avoir assisté au mariage de Tillie et Frank.
6) Helen Zakrzewski, cousine. Décédée en 1915, à l’âge de 15 ans.
7) Stanley Zakzewski, cousin. Décédé en 1912, à l’âge de 16 ans.
8) Stelle Zakrzewski, cousine, mourut en 1913 à l’âge de 23 ans.
9) “Meyers”, un mari ou un amoureux (disparu en mars 1923)
10) Wojek Strummer, premier mari de Nellie Koulik, est mort en 1918, arsenic trouvé (Nellie était un cousin de Tillie qui a été jugé avec elle).
11) Dorothy Spera, petite-fille de Mme Koulik. Décédée à l’âge de 2 ans.
12) Sophie Sturmer – fille de Mme. Koulik, décédée en 1917.
13) Ben Sturmer – frère jumeau de Sophie, mort un mois après sa sœur.
14) Joseph Klimek – mari de Tillie, empoisonné mais guéri.
15) John Sturmer – fils de Mme. Koulic. Guéri malade après la mort de père en 1918, pensait que sa mère l’a empoisonné.
16) Mme. Rose Splitt – dit que Tillie lui a donné des bonbons empoisonnés après que Joseph Klimek lui ait parlé.
17) Mlle Stelle Grantowski, sœur de l’ancien petit ami de Tillie. Est tombé malade après avoir mangé des bonbons qui lui ont été donnés par Tillie après une bagarre.
18) Nick Micko, cousin, en a eu marre de l’arsenic, mais il s’en est remis.
19) Mme. Bessie Kupcyzk, belle-sœur de Frank K. Ill après avoir mangé chez Tillie; rétablie.
20) Mlle Lillian Sturmer, 15 ans, fille de Mme. Koulik. Elle a vécu chez Mme Klimek pendant un an à l’âge de 13 ans. La maladie l’a emporté à cause de la nourriture et a quand même souffert de troubles cardiaques.

When Joseph became ill the following year, he called his doctor. Joseph was sent to the hospital, and tests confirmed it: he was dying of arsenic poisoning. Tillie was arrested. 

Tillie claimed that Joseph was an alcoholic who not only enjoyed moonshine too much and too often, but also abused her and cheated on her. Tillie, however, would not tolerate competition. Tillie told the police that she had confided in her cousin Nellie that she was tired of her husband Joseph. Nellie suggested divorce, though Tillie said “I will get rid of him some other way,”. Tillie claimed that Nellie had given her a poison called “Rough on Rats”.

The bodies of Tillie’s deceased husbands were soon exhumed and found to contain lethal doses of arsenic. The investigation revealed that she had poisoned a total of 20 victims, 14 of which died. Many of the victims were individuals (and one stray dog) that had gotten into arguments with her or simply annoyed her. However, the death of her husbands were purely financial as she had taken out life insurance policies on all of her husbands, from which she profited greatly. Tillie maintained that she never claimed to have self-fulfilling “prophecies” about her murders, but instead had a morbidly hard sense of humor and a bad habit of making jokes, almost giving away the “game”.

Tillie was eventually tried for the murder of her third husband, Frank Kupczy in March 1923. She was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison, the harshest sentence that had ever been given to a woman in Chicago. Tillie died in prison in 1936.


Tillie’s Alleged Victims:

  1. Jospeh Mitkiewicz, first husband (arsenic found in body, had $1000 insurance policy, died 1914).
  2. Joseph Ruskowski, second husband. (arsenic found; left about 2k in cash/insurance, died 1914).
  3. Frank Kupszyk, third husband (arsenic found – this is the murder for which she was convicted). Died 1921, had 1k in insurance.
  4. Joseph Grantkowski, ex boyfriend, died in 1914 after “jilting” her.
  5. Mrs. Rose Chudzinski, cousin. Died 1919 after attending Tillie and Frank’s wedding party.
  6. Helen Zakrzewski, cousin. Died 1915, age 15.
  7. Stanley Zakzewski, cousin. Died 1912, age 16.
  8. Stelle Zakrzewski, cousin, died 1913 at 23.
  9. “Meyers,” a husband or sweetheart (missing as of March, 1923)
  10. Wojek Strummer, first husband of Nellie Koulik, died 1918, arsenic found (Nellie was a cousin of Tillie who was tried along with her).
  11. Dorothy Spera, granddaughter of Mrs. Koulik. Died age 2.
  12. Sophie Sturmer – daughter of Mrs. Koulik, died 1917.
  13. Ben Sturmer – twin brother of Sophie – died a month after his sister.
  14. Joseph Klimek – husband of Tillie – poisoned but recovered.
  15. John Sturmer – son of Mrs. Koulic. Recovered when sick after father died in 1918, thought his mother poisoned him.
  16. Mrs. Rose Splitt – says Tillie gave her poison candy after Joseph Klimek talked to her.
  17. Miss Stelle Grantowski, sister of former boyfriend of Tillie. Got sick after eating candy given to her by Tillie after a fight.
  18. Nick Micko, cousin, got sick of arsenic but recovered.
  19. Mrs. Bessie Kupcyzk, sister in law of Frank K. Ill after eating at Tillie’s; recovered.
  20. Miss Lillian Sturmer, 15, daughter of Mrs. Koulik. Lived at Mrs. Klimek’s home for a year at age 13; deathly sick from the food and still suffered heart trouble.

With a borderline healthy obsession with taco, chef Nathalie tested as many tacos as possible during her last trip in Mexico. She quickly found a local go-to taqueria in Playa del Carmen called El Fogon. She began her meal by tasting all their hot sauces, and fell in love with their green sauce. The waiters joked to not put too much on the tacos – it was spicy! To their surprise, upon returning to the table with more tacos, they noticed the hot sauce cup was empty. We developed this sauce to replicate as close as possible the green sauce from El Fogon.

Our jalapeño hot sauce is a classic Mexican green sauce, perfect to add on tacos, fish, eggs – anything if you can handle the heat!

Our Jalapeño + Habanero + Tomatillo hot sauce was inspired by notorious serial killer Tillie Klimek

Born Otylia (Tillie) Gburek in Poland in 1876, her parents immigrated to the United States when she was four years old, and settled in “Little Poland”, Chicago, Illinois. Very little is known of her childhood.

In 1895, at the age of 14, she married her first husband, Joe Mitkiewicz. They were a happy and a well-liked couple in the community. Over time, Tillie earned the reputation of not only being a good cook, but also having the morbid ability to predict people’s deaths. She became a serial widower.
It is said that Tillie claimed to have dreams accurately describing the death of her victims, though she was actually scheduling their deaths. Eerily enough, there are accounts of her cheerfully telling her husbands and neighbours that they were going to die.

Her killing spree began in 1914 when she told a friend that she dreamed of finding the corpse of her first husband, Joe on a certain day a few weeks in advance of it occurring. Sure enough, Joe died a few weeks later —as predicted —after a short illness. Joe’s cause of death was reported to be heart failure. Not only was Tillie’s friend in awe, but she was especially surprised to see Tillie quickly depart to the insurance company for Joe’s life insurance check.

In a matter of weeks, she remarried. This time, a neighbour, Joseph Ruskowski, died three months later. Wasting no time, she found herself a boyfriend, Joseph Guszkowski. Tillie accidentally let it slip out that she had poisoned her second husband, Ruskowski. So, when Guszkowski took Tillie on a trip to Milwaukee, where the topic of marriage came up, he refused to marry her. Angered, she told Guszkowski that she would report him for violating the Mann Act (a federal law prohibiting the transportation of women across state lines “for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose.”). Guszkowski rebutted that she was a murderer and he would report her first. Guszkowski mysteriously died shortly after.

In 1919, Tillie married again. Her third husband, Frank Kupczy, moved into the apartment she had shared with her late boyfriend. Tillie began telling neighbours that Frank “would not live long” and he had “two inches to live”. She even taunted him, saying “It won’t be long now,” and “You’ll be dying soon”. Frank soon grew weaker, and she began to plan his death: Tillie asked Frank to take out a life insurance policy. He complied. She took this opportunity to knit a black mourning hat, which she later wore to trial, and purchased a $30 coffin from an advertisement. Tillie even asked her landlady to store the coffin in the basement of the building until her husband’s death. Frank died in 1921.

Regardless of her reputation of premonitions with subsequent deaths of all her husbands, she was still able to find a fourth man willing to marry her. In 1921, Tillie married her fourth husband, Joseph Klimek. A former friend of her late husband Frank. Joseph was thrifty, had a steady job, and wanted to settle down. Tillie was a good housekeeper and an astonishingly good cook. To commemorate their marriage, Tillie destroyed every photo and letter she had of ex-husbands and ex-boyfriends. Joseph, infatuated, thought this was touching and a sign of loyalty, instead of a warning sign.

When Joseph became ill the following year, he called his doctor. Joseph was sent to the hospital, and tests confirmed it: he was dying of arsenic poisoning. Tillie was arrested.

Tillie claimed that Joseph was an alcoholic who not only enjoyed moonshine too much and too often, but also abused her and cheated on her. Tillie, however, would not tolerate competition. Tillie told the police that she had confided in her cousin Nellie that she was tired of her husband Joseph. Nellie suggested divorce, though Tillie said “I will get rid of him some other way,”. Tillie claimed that Nellie had given her a poison called “Rough on Rats”.

The bodies of Tillie’s deceased husbands were soon exhumed and found to contain lethal doses of arsenic. The investigation revealed that she had poisoned a total of 20 victims, 14 of which died. Many of the victims were individuals (and one stray dog) that had gotten into arguments with her or simply annoyed her. However, the death of her husbands were purely financial as she had taken out life insurance policies on all of her husbands, from which she profited greatly. Tillie maintained that she never claimed to have self-fulfilling “prophecies” about her murders, but instead had a morbidly hard sense of humor and a bad habit of making jokes, almost giving away the “game”.

Tillie was eventually tried for the murder of her third husband, Frank Kupczy in March 1923. She was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison, the harshest sentence that had ever been given to a woman in Chicago. Tillie died in prison in 1936.

Tillie’s Alleged Victims:

  1. Jospeh Mitkiewicz, first husband (arsenic found in body, had $1000 insurance policy, died 1914).
  2. Joseph Ruskowski, second husband. (arsenic found; left about 2k in cash/insurance, died 1914).
  3. Frank Kupszyk, third husband (arsenic found – this is the murder for which she was convicted). Died 1921, had 1k in insurance.
  4. Joseph Grantkowski, ex boyfriend, died in 1914 after “jilting” her.
  5. Mrs. Rose Chudzinski, cousin. Died 1919 after attending Tillie and Frank’s wedding party.
  6. Helen Zakrzewski, cousin. Died 1915, age 15.
  7. Stanley Zakzewski, cousin. Died 1912, age 16.
  8. Stelle Zakrzewski, cousin, died 1913 at 23.
  9. “Meyers,” a husband or sweetheart (missing as of March, 1923)
  10. Wojek Strummer, first husband of Nellie Koulik, died 1918, arsenic found (Nellie was a cousin of Tillie who was tried along with her).
  11. Dorothy Spera, granddaughter of Mrs. Koulik. Died age 2.
  12. Sophie Sturmer – daughter of Mrs. Koulik, died 1917.
  13. Ben Sturmer – twin brother of Sophie – died a month after his sister.
  14. Joseph Klimek – husband of Tillie – poisoned but recovered.
  15. John Sturmer – son of Mrs. Koulic. Recovered when sick after father died in 1918, thought his mother poisoned him.
  16. Mrs. Rose Splitt – says Tillie gave her poison candy after Joseph Klimek talked to her.
  17. Miss Stelle Grantowski, sister of former boyfriend of Tillie. Got sick after eating candy given to her by Tillie after a fight.
  18. Nick Micko, cousin, got sick of arsenic but recovered.
  19. Mrs. Bessie Kupcyzk, sister in law of Frank K. Ill after eating at Tillie’s; recovered.
  20. Miss Lillian Sturmer, 15, daughter of Mrs. Koulik. Lived at Mrs. Klimek’s home for a year at age 13; deathly sick from the food and still suffered heart trouble.

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If you know any additional information on this story, or would like to send an edit, please email us!